Text editor

A text editor, for JD is a great poet


Quick use

The HTML part

<textarea name="example" id="example-editor" class="textarea" cols="30" rows="10" data-jd-text-editor>Your text goes here</textarea>

This means you simply have to use the data-jd-text-editor attibute to create a basic text editor! Simple enough, no?

A bit of CSS

.textarea {
	white-space: pre-wrap;


Customizing the buttons

To use your own buttons style, you can specify which templates to use:

<textarea name="example" id="example-editor" class="textarea" cols="30" rows="10" data-jd-text-editor data-base-url="https://github.com/" data-active-buttons="bold, italic, link, image" data-buttons-tpl="jd-text-editor-buttons-tpl" data-single-button-tpl="jd-text-editor-single-button-tpl">Your text goes here</textarea>

<template id="jd-text-editor-buttons-tpl">
	<div data-inject-buttons></div>

<template id="jd-text-editor-single-button-tpl">
	<button type="button" title="{{ title }}" data-button data-icon="format_{{ id }}">{{ content }}</button>

A quick summary of the attributes used on the textarea itself:

Attribute Role Default value
data-jd-text-editor Creates the text editor No value
data-base-url Defines the absolute URL to use for relative paths in src and href attributes in the preview '' (empty string)
data-active-buttons The (comma separated) list of buttons to show None, all available buttons are shown by default
data-buttons-tpl The id of the template used for the buttons container None, a default template is used
data-single-button-tpl The id of the template used for each button None, a default template is used

Now for the attributes used on the buttons container:

Attribute Role Default value
data-inject-buttons Used on the element where the buttons should be injected No value

And finally, the attributes used on the buttons:

Attribute Role Default value
data-button Used on the button to apply the click listener (required to make it work) No value

You can also use some template markes to customize your buttons:

Property name Description
id Unique identifier of the button (something like bold, italic, image…)
title A small description as to what the button might do
content A super short text (usually a single character or emoji) used as the button's text content